Green growing plants just somehow make a place look and feel more welcoming. Many people have houseplants in their homes but haven’t thought about how they are placed. Usually, they are simply put where there is someplace to put them that provides the light they need to grow.
Look around your home and picture it with plants taking a bigger role in the decor. Some areas are perfect for groupings of plants. The kitchen is a great place to have groupings of plants that are not only decorative but useful. Herbs can be grown in the kitchen in small pots and grouped to make a lovely display. Position them so sunlight from the window falls on them most of the day.
The living room is one room that usually has plants in many homes. They are often just scattered around though. Rather than just set one on a table, another on a shelf, group a few in a corner with tall ones at the back and others in front of those arranged in descending height. You could also have a corner shelf unit with smaller plants arranged on it with a few other things such as figurines to make an attractive display. Tiered hanging planters with two or three plants hanging in front of the window would look nice.
Other rooms in the house that might not be ideal for living plants can be livened up with good quality silk plants. A vine winding down a hallway going from shelf to wall sconce to picture frame adds character to an otherwise mundane area. Hallways are usually not good for living plants so silk plants are ideal here. Bedrooms can be good for live plants if they get enough light but if not, silk plants work very well. Bathrooms are also a room where silk plants may be the best option.
Experiment with plant placement in each room to see what arrangement works best for you. Once you have plants in nearly every room, you can see and feel the difference. The entire house just feels more alive. Even decor that seemed to have gotten less interesting takes on new life as the plants add a different look to what was already there.